Becker MEXICO 7948 RETRO STYLED WITH IPOD LEAD Offer a retro car radio Becker Mexico 7948 On offer is a Becker
Mexico retro car stereo model be 7948th The Becker Mexico retro design did Combines the 60 years with cutting-edge
technology. THUS one finds among other things, a phone module, a dual tuner, on integrated navigation system and voice-
control in the radio. The radio Has A CF slot and load a MMC / SD card slot to play this music or the maps for navigation.
Delivery: radio, GPS antenna, manual. The memory card with maps The VB of the radios is as Indicated above. 's Price: 800
EUR + shipping if Necessary Orig navigation software, key card, cardboard, separate phone-u. GPS antenna, etc. available.
Contact me if interested, please PM me Amir Khan. Contact.